What professional would be able to give the most guidance not just in the bare basics and legal requirements but also strategic advice too? Bank Manager etc etc ??Business advice to start a new company? Who would be the best, Accountant?, Managment consultant?
business link is the best place to start, their website is excellent and you can also speak to an adviser in person if you wish, they can advise you on the laws affecting your business http://www.businesslink.gov.uk (also ask them for a copy of the cobweb guide to the business you are in - you can search for it here http://www.scavenger.net/home.php?cat=10鈥?/a> but business link can give you a copy for free, the guides really are excellent and tell you about the law in that area as well as how to market/promote your type of business)
make sure you order a copy of this free business start-up kit, it's produced by the government/business link and covers issues of red tape and more http://www.newbusiness-newlife.com/newbu鈥?/a>
then consider some business mentoring - it's a really useful thing to have someone who's business minded to bounce your new ideas off. try http://www.nfea.com/index.htm?page=find_鈥?/a> to find a scheme in your area
by all means speak to business banking managers for advice, or try this site from Barclays http://www.clearlybusiness.com/advice-an鈥?/a>
if after all that you still think you need to pay for professional advice, consider the lawyers for your business scheme for a solicitor http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/choosingand鈥?/a> or find an accountant with a good reputation who has lots of experience of dealing with small businesses.
hope all goes well with your business ideas xBusiness advice to start a new company? Who would be the best, Accountant?, Managment consultant?
Accountant every time - other professionals are usually limited in their expertise to their own fields whereas most accountants in general practice get to obtain a general overview of they way businesses operate as well as the various compliance requirements.
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