Sunday, August 22, 2010

Moving to Reno to finish school and start a new life...any advice?

I'm 26 %26amp; have lived in the Twin Cities (MN) all my life...attending different colleges through various majors including social work, special education, and some business--without finishing. I've lived in Hawaii a few times for a few months-- loved it, not just for the climate %26amp; leisure (esp. warmth and ocean), but for reviving a passion for life that I can't find here. I'm discerning a big decision to finish school elsewhere than MN. The UofM is academically terrific, but I'm considering the UofReno for an English major and eventually a CERTA. I've moved on from downward spiraling friends, am incredibly lonely, have a transferable retail job %26amp; envision a different, stronger pursuit of goals which I barely want to achieve here...I've always embraced transition %26amp; the unexpected. Reno's climate %26amp; proximity to recreation %26amp; entertainment is very appealing. Anyway, I'm intelligent %26amp; relatively street smart...friendly %26amp; ready for anything. Any insight from residents?...or others like me?Moving to Reno to finish school and start a new life...any advice?
I don't know where Montego has lived before, but it is NOT bitterly cold in Reno or Lake Tahoe during the winter. Montego apparently has never lived in the Midwest where the wind chills make it seriously cold and you should know this having lived in Minnesota. These people here think it's old when it gets to 32 degrees! It does not get that much hotter in summer either. Las Vegas will be much hotter than Reno.

Reno is not that small and has been expanding tremendously since I first came here in 1994. And there are lots of things to do there and up around the Lake Tahoe area. Check out,鈥?/a>,,

Plus you are only about 4 hours from San Francisco which is a great place to go.Moving to Reno to finish school and start a new life...any advice?
Go to Las Vegas and finish school at UNLV instead!
Hate to break it to ya.... Reno Sucks!!! It is too small, not much to do because it's oppressively hot in the summer and bitterly cold in the winter!!!! It is however, the bowling capital of the world!!!

And it's the UN at R

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