a) Keep the damp out.
b) Insulate the walls inside
As much advice and ways as possible please.
PS its not going to be possible to thermalite the inside with blocks.Advice on rendering and waterproofing a new build shed?
The simplest way if you are getting a plasterer in is, Use a waterproofer additive to your scratchcoat. It is usually a 30-1 mix with the water. Read instructions on side of tub - the best one to use is sealarend.
Mix it in the water first then in the mixer with the sand cement.
In your top coat of render use lime and this will cause it to suck against the waterproofer.
When all this has cured, you can put a waterseal on the top coat. But if it is mixed properly you wont nedd it.
You can do the same on the inside wall. Be carefull not to render down below the damp course.
In regard to insulating the inside walls, the best bet woul be use a proper damp proof polystyrene plasterboard. You can get this from Sheffield insulations. it is blue polystyrene and comes with a 15 year damp proof guarantee.
Another method inside is to line the walls with a DBM (Damp Proof Membrane) (blue sheet) and fix it to the wall using battens. you can then fix your plasterboard to this and skim it or tape the joints.
Have funAdvice on rendering and waterproofing a new build shed?
Insulation: 1 1/2'; or 2'; sheet foam with foil inside and out held to the block with adhesive. There is also a dealer applied spray foam available, check your yellow pages. The draw back to spray on is that you may have to construct dry wall ( or another type of wall ) walls to protect the foam.
Waterproofing on the outside: use a masonry paint made for the job. Available in colors (at least the Valspar brand does). Don't use a stain as it does not seal the block.
u did that all by urself?
The cheap way, is to paint a waterproof sealer on the out side
'Thomson's Waterproofing Products' are very good. 'Febmix' is another water proofing product, that you can mix into your cement render mix, be for applying it as a render finish. Or you can put a 'Spar' finish on after rendering, it's a sort of rough cast hard finish.; Other than that, cladding the out side is the only real sure way, to make it weather proof. One important fact to point out, is that without a damp coarse, you will always have rising damp.
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